Taken from his recent tweets this release of GreenPois0n though will probably be a tethered jailbreak, just like the recent release of Redsn0w 0.9.6b6. So the jailbreak will only probably applies to the new devices like: iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC Model), iPod touch 3G and the iPod touch 4G. Older devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (Non-MC Model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using tools such as Redsn0w 0.9.6b6. For untethered jailbreak, you will have to use Redsn0w 0.9.7 which requires you to have SHSH blobs of iOS 4.2b3 saved. For newly bought devices that never been jailbreak before, you will have to wait for Comex’s untethered jailbreak tool which is probably released after the next version of the firmware released by Apple.
Giler Gadgets...
Latest news and reviews on gadgets, IT, and digital media
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
GreenPois0n for iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak Release Sooner Than You Think!
Great news from the Chronic Dev Team where Joshua Hill their iPhone developer publicly announce that he's working on a release for the 4.2.1 GreenPois0n jailbreak. That of course after he finished adding the new sandbox patches.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Facebook "Most Searched" again for 2nd Consecutive Time
According to Experian Hitwise, Facebook again overcame Google as the most searched in the US in 2010 beating the likes of youtube, craiglist, google and yahoo. Though facebook is the most searched, he combination of Google properties accounted for 9.85 percent of all U.S. visits. Facebook properties accounted for 8.93 percent, and Yahoo! properties accounted for 8.12 percent, makes google still the most popular website.
Facebook was the top-visited Website for the first time and accounted for 8.93 percent of all U.S. visits between January and November 2010. Google.com ranked second with 7.19 percent of visits, followed by Yahoo! Mail (3.52 percent), Yahoo! (3.30 percent) and YouTube (2.65 percent).As for other popular search term includes:
The combination of Google properties accounted for 9.85 percent of all U.S. visits. Facebook properties accounted for 8.93 percent, and Yahoo! properties accounted for 8.12 percent. The top 10 Websites accounted for 33 percent of all U.S. visits between January and November 2010, an increase of 12 percent versus 2009.
Personality - top 5 people searchesCome 2011..will facebook keep it's crown or can we expect another 'out-of-nowhere' viral thing to come and put facebook aside? We'll see...anyway Happy New Year to all my readers out there and may 2011 brings the best in you! Peace Out 2010!
1. Kim Kardashian
2. Oprah
3. Rush Limbaugh
4. Miley Cyrus
5. Glenn Beck
Movie Titles - top 5 searches from within Movies category:
1. Star Wars
2. Paranormal Activity 2
3. Avatar
4. Transformers 3
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow
Music - top 5 searched for artists/bands:
1. Lady Gaga
2. Justin Beiber
3. Eminem
4. Taylor Swift
5. Michael Jackson
Branded Destinations top 5 search terms:
1. Disney World
2. Disneyland
3. Six Flags
4. Universal Studios Orlando
5. Great Wolf Lodg
Top TV show searches from Television category
1. Dancing with the Stars
2. American Idol
3. Young and the Restless
The top generic search term was "hulu" within Television category
Sports - the top searched for athlete was Tiger Woods and the top sports team was the Dallas Cowboys from within the Sports category.
News and Media - the top searched for person was Bret Michaels followed by Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullock within the News and Media category in 2010.
Real Estate - the search terms "houses for rent" and "homes for rent", combined topped the combined searches for "houses for sale" and "homes for sale" in 2010 within the Real Estate category.
Employment - Indeed accounted for 2.47 percent of all searches in the US among the top 50 terms for the Employment category in 2010 when combining common search terms - e.g., indeed and indeed.com.
- Realtor.com was the top search term overall for Real Estate category.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis
Finally, the eagle has landed!..Maxis iPads are now available through Maxis throughout Malaysia. Get yourself in line and grab it today! Talk about iPad, i have a brilliant idea for an iPad application.
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Sample 'MyTRAINFO' Preview |
Suggested Functions:
- To have a complete and up to date rail information.
- To have LIVE info on the service availability of each of the available train lines (Delay, Closed, etc)
- To have a travel cost and time calculator that will enable the user to estimate the cost and time taken to travel from point A to B, and also provide alternative route based on time,cost, accessibilities.
- Main function: To alert the user that their destination is nearing REAL TIME. This can be done by geotagging each of the stations using GPS.
- Provide info on what's available and interesting around the station area (Tourist information, event information, facilities) This information can be added by the app users or also advertisers.
- To provide the users on the nearest station around them (Augmented Reality style if possible). Also it would be superb if we can also do a search based on which area we wanted to go or what landmarks around it.
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Station Selector Sample |
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Sample Notification Popup For those interested with the 3G data plan for iPad from Maxis, the packages available are as follow:
Inventing My Own iPad Application,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Pull-to-refresh came to Safari
I've used the pull-to-refresh mail before and loved it..and it's still mind boggling to me as to why Apple didn't include this basic feature in their IOS..and today BigBoss repository came out with another pull-to-refresh feature and this time it came to Safari. It's available in Cydia for FREE and you must have mobilesubstrate in order to use one (I believe those who jailbreaked their iPhone should already have one). So install it, respring and give it a spin!
News! Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 Will Be Released On Christmas
Redsn0w untethered JB will be released for IOS 4.2.1 but testers will be needed according to MuscleNerd from the iPhone Dev-Team. This has come from the news that Comex's version of the Jailbreak has been delayed for some reason. I'm not so sure about the quality of the temporary solution from the iPhone Dev-Team but for sure I'll not jump straight on it as soon as it is released as I'm pretty happy with what 4.1 has to offer right now. I do believe that the Dev-Team will not rush things out before testing out properly the jailbreak. So let the waiting game begins..the solutions will probably be released in this one or two days..
Over the Christmas weekend we’ll be releasing a version of redsn0w that implements the “backup plan” to the 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak. We’re seeking your help to test this redsn0w and find any bugs before we do a general release!
(If you have an iPhone 3G, or an old-bootrom ipt2g or iPhone 3GS, you already have an untethered jailbreak! Just use the latest public redsn0w.)
To keep things manageable, this will be a Mac-only test program. We also request that any volunteers *NOT* need the ultrasn0w unlock (in case things go very wrong).
Right now, the “backup plan” requires that you have the 4.2b3 IPSW on your Mac, and that Cydia has your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes. Please don’t pirate that 4.2b3 IPSW! (We’re also working on a way that this technique might apply to all those with 4.1 IPSWs, but that’s not the first goal right now.)
iOS 4.2.1,
iPhone Dev-Team,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Etch A Sketch Case for Iphone 4 & Ipad..Superb!
I stumbled upon this super cool case by www.getaheadcase.com It surely brings back old memories of my old etch a sketch mechanical drawing toy..It also comes in 3G/3GS. Licensed by the original makers of the Etch A Sketch ™ getahead team comes up with this tough and durable cases and also maintaining the retro feels of it.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Gadgets for you DSLR
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Nikon D7000 |
News: Apple Ipad Officially Launched in Malaysia
The eagles has finally landed...it took them a while (as usual) for apple Ipad to be launched here and now you can find it in any of the Apple premium resellers like epic, Machines and also Harvey Norman. Prices for the iPad with Wi-Fi is RM1,549 ($499) for the 16 GB version, RM 1,849 ($599) for the 32GB version and RM 2,149($699) for the 64GB version.
For those savvy enough to use it elsewhere from any existing Wi-Fi hotspot, the '3G' version (3G & Wi-Fi) is also available retailing at RM 1,999($629) for the 16GB, a RM2,299($729) for the 32GB, and RM2,599($829) for the 64GB version.
For 3G data plan, Maxis has recently launched their dedicated Ipad plan. Head to Maxis website now!
For the list of places that you can get your hands on the Ipad in Malaysia click Here
Friday, December 03, 2010
I found sexiness in Mophie's latest juice pack plus™ for iPhone 4

Image sourced from www.mophie.com
WOW! i was totally in love in the new juice pack from Mophie when i saw them in their website. I loved the simplistic design and gosh the colors are also nice!..With the super awesome retina display i literally clings to my iphone 4 all the time and this juice pack will really come handy at critical times..at $99.95 it'll give you and extra 2,000mAh, Up to 8 additional hours talk time on 3G; 16 hours 2G,up to 7 additional hours internet on 3G; 11 hours WiFi, up to 44 additional hrs audio playback and up to 11 additional hrs video playback..Cool eh? and with protective rubberized band your iphone 4 is protected well enough :-). You can get it NOW! HERE
Add flash to you non-flash iDevices

Fancy adding a flash to your non-flash iDevices and improve your iDevices photography abilities? Look no further that this, iFlash!! self-powered flash module that you can plug into your docking port. You can get it for $29.95 over at Gadgets and Gear
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